Chinatown has a long history of caring for those who are not included in mainstream society. How do we go from doing things for seniors to doing things with seniors? This video dives into how Christina Lee, Nick Yung, and Rachel Lau continue to advocate for access to care and services and tirelessly break down language, mobility, and technology barriers for those who might have been rendered invisible by society. Whether it is about providing a shot of vaccine or delivering a fresh bag of groceries, they share how we can achieve invaluable partnerships and breakthroughs when we work together to shine a light on unmet needs in our neighbourhoods.
Video Edited by Ky Kim
唐人街在照顧不被主流社會接受的人上有悠久的歷史。我們怎麼從為老年人做事變成跟老年人一同做事呢?這個視頻深入李嘉明, Nick Yung, 和 Rachel Lau 是如何一直不懈地為被社會視為透明的人倡導獲得護理和服務,並打破語言、活動性和技術的障礙。無論是為人們接種疫苗還是運送新鮮的蔬菜,他們可以分享我們在共同努力解決街區裡未滿足的需求時,如何能達到珍貴的伙伴關係和突破。
視頻編輯: Ky Kim